Family-Owned & Operated Poultry Farm
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My name is Denise and my husband is Arthur. We own & operate a small poultry farm set on 6 acres in Harrisville, RI. I grew up loving to get my hands dirty and working the soil, so raising chickens was just something that came very natural to me. I started with 12 White Leghorn Pullets from the local feed store and loved every minute of it. I offered my extra eggs to a couple co-workers and then the next thing that you know, everyone wanted fresh eggs and I had a waiting list. So I said to my husband "I want to get a few more hens, move the coop and make it bigger". He looked at me and said "ok, but you are cleaning and taking care of them". And now we are up to 180 chickens and 10 different breeds. He helps me with building things, feeding and watering without any complaints. I think he likes to watch and take care of them as much as I do.